We will list as many products from your line as you wish as long as they are your products. To ensure your page is compelling to retailers, we suggest listing at least 10 products. We do not allow you to list or sell wholesale products from other brands on your Peeba brand page.
We do not list products that retail above $1000 as we’ve seen that they do not typically perform well on our platform. Please keep in mind that any product with a retail price of $500 or greater will be considered non-returnable.
Please note that Peeba will not list the following products:
- Counterfeit products or products that you do not have the right to sell (e.g., products that you do not make or that are not under your brand)
- Firearms / firearm ammunition
- Weapons, including knives, explosives and related items
- Products containing any amount of alcohol
- Products containing any amount of drugs, including prescription, legal or illegal drugs
- Any products that contain Cannabidiol (CBD) or Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC)
- Drug paraphernalia
- Cigarettes, cigars, tobacco, electronic cigarettes, vape sticks or pens, hookah pipes and other smoking paraphernalia
- Any hazardous, toxic, flammable, biohazardous, unsafe or dangerous products
- Any recalled products
- Dietary supplements
- Animal or animal products, including fur (excluding leather goods)
- Children’s car seats or harnesses
- Pornography, including images, videos or other offensive materials
- Products that are offensive or promote, incite or glorify hate or violence towards any person or group
- Culturally insensitive products
- Products related to terrorist organizations
- Digital goods, including software
- Electronics
- Gift cards
- Currency, coins, cash equivalents, Bitcoin or other similar digital currency
- Stamps
- Fine art
- Gambling or lottery related items
- Any perishable foods, including meat, fish, vegetables, fruits and dairy products
- Any products containing asbestos or flame-retardant chemicals
- Counterfeit goods
- Used goods
- Any other products that Peeba determines in its discretion to be inappropriate for availability on the Peeba marketplace.