- What is Peeba Widget?
- Don't know how to add the widget?
- Already add the widget but cannot verify?
Remember to paste the website link with the Peeba widget back to the portal for verification.
If the brand portal is showing an error, please contact support@peeba.com
- Have Exclusive Distributor in some regions?
We respect all the partner brands that are working with. Many brands state the exclusive distributors' region, name, and contact in APAC and will add Peeba as the rest of the APAC options with the widget.
- Have your own B2B portal Login?
It’s common that you already have a customized B2B portal that you want to promote. However, your portal might not be able to cover all the languages, payment, and shipping in APAC. You can categorize which regions should use your portal and which should sign up through Peeba on your website.
- Other Questions:
For the following issues please directly email support@peeba.com for the solution.
- Cannot insert the widget code into my website builder back-end?
- Have strict website design restrictions?